Academic Events
1985, Montpellier
Académie du Chant
04 – 23 June 1986, Teatro alla Fenice, Venezia
Corso di interpretazione: Leyla Gencer
Interpretation masterclass dedicated to Mozart’s La finta giardiniera within
the frame of Theater Olympics in assosiation with As.Li.Co.
Masterclass of vocal interpretation for the
opera La finta giardiniera (Mozart) to be performed at the
1986 Vicenza Festival at Teatro Olimpico, with As.Li.Co. as the winners.
In this letter, she's writing about her future collaboration with La Fenice
of Venice. Died in early 2008, Georges Farret was a famous French journalist at
L’Avant Scène and Côté Arts.
Passionately fond of the operas and the artists, he collected during his
whole life signed photographs, autograph letters, programs…He was the close
friend of many artists (Magda Olivero, Raina Kabaivanska et Giullieta
Simionato…) and published several biographies (Montserrat Caballé, Renato
Capecchi, Rita Gorr, Ernest Blanc, Alain Vanzo, Luigi Alva…)
June 1987, Teatro La Fenice,
Seminar on the opera La finta pazza by Francesco Sacrati for
Teatro alla Fenice (performance on July).
08 July 1987, Teatro La Fenice (Sale Appolione), Venezia
Conference at the Sale Appolione on La finta pazza.
09, 11, 12, 14, 16 July 1987
Complesso Strumentale Barocco
Conductor: Alan Curtis
Regia: Marise Flach
Vocale: Leyla Gencer
June 1988, Firenze
Participated in the seminar the conditions of today’s singer for the 51st
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Firenze
February 1989, Atatürk Cultural
Centre, Istanbul (Two weeks)
Seminar on vocal interpretation of Donizetti
with Mesut İktu, Director of Istanbul State Opera |
1990 Seminar in Istanbul, Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
15 – 27 January 1990, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
Seminar on vocal interpretation of Rossini's Maometto Secondo
Anabilim Dalı: Sanat Yönetimi Programı
Sanat Yönetimi Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Mesut İKTU
03.11.1990 Prömiyer / General Rehearsal
08.11.1990 Gala / Opening Gala
İstanbul Devlet Opera ve Balesi Koro ve Orkestrası
Chorus and Orchestra of Istanbul State Opera
Orkestra Şefi Selman ADA Conductor
Sahneye Koyan Gürçil ÇELİKTAŞ Stage Director
Dekor Kostüm Osman ŞENGEZER Scene and Costumes
Koro Şefi Yıldız KÜNUTKU Chorus Master
Işık Tasarım Ertekin KULAN Lighting
Sanat Danışmanı Leyla GENCER Artistic Advisor
Maometto II Suat ARIKAN bass
Paolo Erisso Süha YILDIZ tenor
Anna Zehra YILDIZ soprano
Calbo L. Trepel ÇAĞLAR mezzo-soprano
Condulmiero Kurtuluş DEMİRPERÇİN tenor
After a successful premier of Maometto Secondo in 1990 opera performed in 2024 after 34 years of absence. Here is the Instagram post related Gencer & Rossini, dated February 2024 from the Archives of Istanbul State Opera.
01 August 1990, Arenzano
Masterclass of vocal specialization at the Teresiana Music Academy
1992 Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
24th Internationale Toti dal Monte Singing Competition
“Il Turco in Italia”
Every year she held a Masterclass at the La Bottega Workshop for young singers who were chosen (Lucia di Lammermoor, performed in November at Teatro Comunale in Treviso)
1993 Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
01 – 06 August 1994, Pesaro
1994, Atatürk Cultural Centre,
with Füsun Özgüç Istanbul at back stage |
1994 Second Masterclass in İstanbul, Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural Centre,
17 – 19
June 1995, Palazzo Stelline, Milano
New relationships among the musical institutions to support young opera
September 1995, CRR Concert Hall, Istanbul
Masterclass of vocal interpretation.
1996 Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
1997 Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
21, 22 June 1997, Istanbul
Hagia Eirene Museum, Istanbul (Turkish Prèmier)
Opera in three acts in Italian
Libretto: Raniero Calzabigi
Premièr at Venezia - 1776
25th International Istanbul Music Festival
I Solisti Veneti
San Gregorio Magno Chamber Choir
Dance Company of Teatro di Torino
Conductor: Claudio Schimone
Chorus master: Mauro Trombetta
Free adaptation based on Pier Luigi Pizzi’s production by Luca Vegetti
Scene and costumes: Pier Luigi Pizzi
Advisor / Coordinator: Leyla Gencer
Sets provided by Arena di Verona
Costumes by Tirelli Costumi (Roma)
Wigs by Mario Audello (Torino)
Footwear by Pompei (Roma)
Orfeo MANUELA CUSTER mezzo-soprano *
Eurodice WONGJUNG KIM soprano
* The role of Orfeo in the production has to be sung by Martin Dupuy. But due to her sudden illness Manuela Custer replaced her last minute. As the role was not in her repertoire Custer sang the part from the score.
1998 Unknown Date, Atatürk Cultural
Centre, Istanbul
20 May 1998, Piccolo
Regio Puccini, Torino
Conferenza Tre regine fra storia e melodramma
Leyla Gencer per Donizetti
La grande cantante commenterà la trilogia Tudor al Piccolo Regio
Acquista dunque un significato di compensazione la presenza della signora Gencer al mercoledì conclusivo della prima serie di ‹Itinerari donizettiani› (20 maggio, ore 17,30, ingresso libero), durante il quale commenterà i tre finali delle opere che costituiscono la trilogia Tudor (Anna Bolena, Maria Stuarda, Roberto Devereux), tornata all'onore delle scene nell'ultimo quarantennio proprio grazie al movimento di rinascita donizettiana.
Donizetti figura naturalmente - accanto a Sant'Ambrogio, Francesco Landini, Francesco Canova da Milano, Platti, Anfossi, Schubert, Pasta, Heine, Mendelssohn, Bazzini, Brahms, Gavazzeni, Castiglioni, Peragallo - fra i protagonisti delle quasi 700 pagine dedicate a Gli anniversari musicali del 1997. La presentazione del volume, edito dal Centro Culturale Rosetum di Milano, avverrà giovedì 21 alle ore 17,30 al Piccolo Regio con ingresso libero. Sarà incentrata su un altro di questi protagonisti, il torinese Alfredo Casella, del quale parleranno, anche con l'ascolto di alcune registrazioni musicali, Attilio Piovano, Piero Santi, curatore (con Potito Pedarra) del volume, e Anna Maria Morazzoni, autrice del saggio sui rapporti fra Casella e la Scuola di Vienna. Giorgio Gualerzi
– 07
Artistic Consultant to the CD recording of Isidoro Capitanio’s
Pasqua Fiorentina, Dramma lirico in tre atti.
1999, Villa Medici Giulini, Briosco
Seminar on vocal interpretation of Donizetti
08, 09, 10 March 1999, Atatürk
Cultural Center, Istanbul
Seminar on vocal interpretation of Rossini and Verdi
11† ,
13 June 1999 (Turkish Premier)
Eirene Museum, Istanbul
Opera in three acts in Italian
Libretto: Agostino Piovene
Premièr at Verona 1735
27. International Istanbul Music Festival (New Production)
Europa Galante
Conductor: Fabio Biondi
Scene and costumes: Pier Luigi Pizzi
Advisor / Coordinator: Leyla Gencer
Lighting design: Luigi Saccomandi
Sets by Rubechini (Firenze)
Costumes by Tirelli Costumi (Roma)
Wigs by Mario Audello (Torino)
Footwear by Pompei (Roma)
Tamerlano Daniela Barcellona mezzo-soprano
Bayezid Roberto Scaltriti bass
Irene Manuela Custer mezzo-soprano
Androniko ROBERT EXPERT countertenor
Asteria ENKELEJDA SHKOSA mezzo-soprano
Idaspe ANNA MARIA dell’OSTER soprano
† Recording date [Recorded for archive purposes]
with Melih Fereli, General Manager IFCA, Şakir Eczacıbaşı, President of IFCA, Cevza Aktüze, Festival Director and Pier Luigi Pizzi |
21, 23 October 2000, State Opera, Ankara
Vocal interpretation
Seminar recorded by Gülce Çelik Erdoğan
– 08 May 2000, Villa Medici Giulini, Briosco
Seminar on vocal interpretation
2002, Atatürk Cultural Centre, Istanbul
Seminar on vocal interpretation
2003, Atatürk Cultural
Centre, Istanbul
Seminar on vocal interpretation
07, 08 July 2004, Atatürk Cultural Center, Grand Hall – Istanbul
34th International Istanbul Music Festival
Piccolo Teatro Milano
Orchestra e Coro della Fondazione Petruzelli di Bari
Arnold Bosman conductor
Giorgio Strehler stage director
Coordinator Leyla Gencer
Fiordiligi Maria Rey-Jolie soprano
Dorabella Terese Cullen soprano
Guglielmo Nicolas Rivenq bass
Ferrando Mark Milhofer tenor
Despina Janet Perry soprano
Don Alfonso Alexander Malta bass
November 2004, Science Museum, Sala delle Colonne, Milano
Milan for La Scala; Salieri, Mozart and their time
Lecture by Philippe Deverio
The soloists of the Academy of Lyric Opera of Teatro alla Scala gave a concert.